Apply Now and start 2025 in your highest expression


This mastermind is designed for coaches, healers, and consultants who are done hustling harder, and reach or sustain 5-figure months by building a businesses rooted in their strengths and energy—without sacrificing themselves in the process. You're here because you know it's time to do things differently.




This mastermind is designed for coaches, healers, and consultants who are done hustling harder, and reach or sustain 5-figure months by building a businesses rooted in their strengths and energy—without sacrificing themselves in the process. You're here because you know it's time to do things differently.


 Where your next level begins

This 12-month holistic mastermind container goes far beyond strategy alone.

 It’s an opportunity to align your business with your body and energy—to lead in a way that feels expansive, purposeful, and nourishing to your nervous system. We blend personal evolution, healing, and energetics with practical business foundations to help you create an abundant business that works with your natural rhythm.

Activate the Future You—Lead with Clarity, Confidence, and Emotional Resilience

This mastermind isn’t just about doing more—it’s about becoming the woman who can hold more: more income, more impact, and more alignment in every area of your life and business. You’ll learn to break free from outdated patterns, step into your authentic power, and build a business that feels expansive and energising.

If you’re tired of spinning in circles with strategies that leave you overwhelmed, it’s time to align your inner world with your outer goals. Inside this mastermind, you’ll unlock the energy of sustainable growth—where your business reflects your highest potential and you lead with ease, confidence, and flow.


Does this sound like you?

You’re a soul-led entrepreneur with a bold vision—but you’ve reached a personal or energetic ceiling, and it’s holding you back from your next level of success. 

Let me as you a question:

Consciously you desire high-level clients who value you.

Instead, you feel stuck, attracting misaligned clients who don’t see the full value of your work, despite your expertise.

Consciously you desire consistent 5-figure months.

But your calendar is at capacity and doing more and trying harder, no longer feels like the answer.

Consciously you desire growth.

But your mind feels cluttered with imposter syndrome, comparison, and self-sabotage, making every next step feel heavier than it should.

Consciously you're ready to build a team.

But delegating and releasing control feels overwhelming.


TM will not only transform how you do business—it will transform who you become as a leader. By working together, you’ll redefine success and build a spacious, strengths-led business that aligns with your energy type and allows you to thrive.


Here's how you'll be deeply supported:

Monthly Renewal Calls (60 minutes) 

Release what’s not serving you and refresh your energy, so you show up clear, grounded, and aligned for your clients.

Monthly Hot Seat Calls (90 minutes) 

Get laser-focused guidance on your biggest challenges and business blocks. You’ll receive powerful insights and support in real-time to move forward with clarity.

Monthly Growth Calls (90 minutes)

Explore strengths-based strategy, emotional resilience, and energetic alignment. These expert-led calls integrate personal growth with practical business strategy, so you can scale in a way that works for your unique energy and rhythm.

Real Time Slack Support 

Stay connected and supported with access to real-time feedback, accountability, and collaborative support from an aligned group of women and expert mentors in our dedicated Slack channel

Portal Learning 

These resources will support you to create solid business foundations and strategy that aligns with your unique strengths, gifts and energy type. Includes access to all past calls.

When priced as individual calls, these inclusions are valued at over $25,000 for the year. However a monetary value can’t be placed on the inner transformation that will flow into every part of your life from family to business and wellbeing if you're willing to put in the work and commit to the experience.

"Working with Jess on all aspects of my new business has been a game-changer for me. Her expert guidance and deep knowledge in all areas of business, the modalities she uses, and working within the service-based, alternate healing sector have been pivotal in me breaking through limiting beliefs and overcoming feelings of stagnation. Jess's dedication, personalised advice, and unwavering support have been instrumental in bringing about significant positive changes in my quest to establish my own business.

Through our collaboration, I've experienced transformation and growth that have had a profound impact on both my professional and personal life. I highly recommend Jess for anyone seeking meaningful results and support in their business and healing journeys."


In addition to the Mastermind experience, you will also gain access to these BONUSES

($11,660 value)

2 x 60 minute Private Healing Sessions

Valued over $700

For faster, deeper movement through your blocks, therapeutic support to heal what you are ready to let go of 

Strategy Support with Annelise Worn

Valued over $550 p/month

Refine your business strategy with personalised feedback from a seasoned business strategist, marketing agency CEO and speaker Annelise Worn so your business growth matches your energy type and strengths.

Human Design Insights with Tegan Parkinson

Valued at $180 p/month

Receive monthly insights on how to align your business with your unique human design. Tap into your natural strengths and flow to work smarter, not harder.

Embodied Entrepreneur Self-paced Program

Valued over $4000

Full access to ALL of my on-line resources including Embodied Entrepreneur, the ultimate Self-development journey to help you cultivate the internal resources to embody the Successful Entrepreneur within.

Hi, I’m Jessica.

Mother | Visionary | Manifesting Generator

Hi, I’m Jessica, an Alternative Therapist, Holistic Business Mentor, and EFT Practitioner. With over 17 years of entrepreneurial experience, I’ve built multiple businesses—including a 7-figure venture with my partner, my own thriving practice, and a digital coaching business. Along the way, I’ve placed myself in high-level masterminds and worked closely with top mentors to fast-track my own growth.

I’ve been where you are—attracting misaligned clients, undervaluing my services, and burning myself out. I’ve done the deep inner work required to rewrite my beliefs, align my energy, and embody the entrepreneur I knew I was meant to be. Now, I help other impact-driven women do the same.

In this mastermind, I’ll guide you to integrate strategy with energetic evolution and emotional resilience so you can create a business that aligns with your values and supports your vision. I’ve spent years supporting my peers, reflecting their patterns back to them, and unlocking the emotional breakthroughs they needed to align their next strategic move. Now, it’s your turn.


This isn’t just another coaching container

It’s a transformational experience as unique as you are. Blending strategy with energetic alignment, emotional healing, and community support. You won’t just learn what to do—you’ll become the woman who can hold and sustain the success you desire.

Being surrounded by aligned women amplifies growth. In this space, you’ll celebrate wins, navigate challenges, and expand into new possibilities—together.

At the heart of this mastermind is my Energies of Success Framework: Three essential pillars that will unlock your next level of business and life.

Align your business with your body’s rhythms. Build emotional resilience, regulate your nervous system, and protect your energy to navigate challenges with calm and confidence.

Clear emotional blocks, release limiting beliefs, and rewrite the stories that no longer serve you. Heal from within to become an energetic match for the success you desire.

Leverage your unique gifts to build strategies that feel aligned and sustainable. Create practical plans that honor your strengths and energy type, leading to success without burnout.

You get access to all of me and my modalities to experience an inner transformation that transcends understanding and goes beyond your perceived limits (plus some killer strategy!)

Ready to meet your new edge?


Big shifts happen in my healing containers

"In just one session Jess was able to get to the root of my anxiety & stress. She helped me to release some feelings/beliefs that I'd been holding inside for a very long time. "

Kimberly, Founder of Diminish AU

"This experience was far and beyond what I could have expected. Jess helped my overcome so many personal blocks and experiences triggering anxiety."

Kamri Hill, CEO Kamri Hill

"Our sessions were powerful, healing and nurturing. Jess had a beautiful way of holding space and getting to the heart and origin of my stories."

Jo Clark, CEO of Jo Clark Coaching


"I always say, when you’re ready - your teacher will appear, and how true this was for me. Jess is intuitive, caring, and extremely skilled in what she does but more than anything she will call me out and hold me accountable. She is not just about ‘the session’ or ‘the training’ but the progression I am making on my own path. She gives everything she has, and it has truly transformed me as a person, therapist and how I show up in my business. Thank you Jess."

Coby H.

This mastermind is for ambitious, soul-led women who are ready to elevate their business and personal growth, creating spaciousness, ease, and aligned success without sacrificing their well-being.

 If this sounds like you, it’s time to step into this next-level container:

You desire a business that reflects your strengths, energy, and values—one where strategy is aligned with who you are, rather than what you think you “should” do.

You are ready to scale to consistent 5-figure months without trading all your time for money or overworking yourself to exhaustion.

You’re craving emotional resilience—the ability to lead your business with confidence, manage emotional ups and downs, and show up fully, even in times of challenge.

You are over generic group programs that offer no personalised feedback, where the mentor doesn’t even know your offers. Instead, you’re looking for tailored support and meaningful guidance.

✓ You’re done attracting misaligned clients who drain your energy. You’re ready to welcome clients who are committed to their transformation and value your work.

✓ You want to build a supportive team to help you stay in your zone of genius, creating more spaciousness in your schedule.

You are committed to doing the deep inner work—breaking through limiting beliefs, fears, and the self-imposed glass ceiling that’s kept you stuck.

✓ You value a holistic approach and are open to somatic (body), cognitive (mind), and energetic processes that bring about profound transformation.

✓ You thrive in the company of like-minded, energetically aligned women—a group that supports each other’s growth, celebrates wins, and provides a safe space to process challenges.

What's Possible For You:

  • Develop emotional resilience to navigate challenges with grace and confidence.
  • Attract aligned, high-value clients by becoming a true energetic match for what you desire.
  • Build a strengths-led team and delegate with confidence, creating systems that support your growth.
  • Scale your income sustainably, reaching consistent 5-figure months whilst teaching your nervous system how to hold this
  • Feel fulfilled from the inside out, embodying your version of success without compromising your well-being.

Here’s How We’ll Make It Happen Together

This mastermind holds space for both your personal evolution and your business growth—because to create sustainable success, we need to support the whole picture.

If you’ve been wondering what kind of practical business support you’ll receive, here’s some examples of how we will support you:

  • Refining Your Messaging to Attract Aligned Clients: Ensure your messaging resonates deeply with your ideal audience, drawing in clients who value the transformation you offer.
  • Crafting Soul-Aligned Offers That Sell: Using my S.O.U.L framework, we’ll create offers that feel expansive, aligned, and irresistible to your dream clients.
  • Personalised Review of Your Assets including: Sales Pages, Lead Magnets, and Facebook Marketing: You’ll receive tailored feedback and practical guidance to align every element of your business for growth.
  • Develop Emotional Resilience and Body-Led Strategy: Implement strategies that honor your energy, helping you navigate stress and stay in flow with your business goals.
  • Access to Past Guest Experts: From intuitive sales, brand foundations, to converting content, gain exclusive insights to enhance your business and align with your strengths.

Your investment in this transformational experience grants you access to:

  • Me as your guide and mentor. All of my modalities, my support through your healing, and my eyes on your business from the lens of my experiences in 10+ years of business and a high-level mastermind with world-class mentors.
  • Monthly Renewal Calls ensure that you show up for your clients feeling regulated and refreshed, without any triggers in your way.
  • Monthly Hot Seat Calls to help you get unstuck in your business, overcome your blocks and self-imposed limitations.
  • Monthly Growth Calls to help you build a deeper relationship with yourself, support personal growth, regulate your nervous system, and break through limiting beliefs.
  • Real-Time Support in our Slack Channel - this is where the magic happens when you surround yourself with energetically aligned people.
  • A Private Portal full of additional resources to support you to create solid business foundations and strategy that aligns with your unique strengths, gifts and energy type.
  • 2 x Private Healing Sessions with me for faster, deeper movement through your blocks. 
  • Strategy Support with Annelise Worn in our Slack Channel and on our hot seat calls.
  • Monthly Human Design Insights with Tegan Parkinson to get to know your unique self deeper in a capacity that will support your journey to creating an energetically aligned and strengths-led business.
  • Embodied Entrepreneur the ultimate self-development journey for soul-led Entrepreneurs ready to Embody the Successful Entrepreneur within

Option One

12 Month Mastermind

Pay In Full

$9900 AUD


12 Month Payment Plan

$825 x 12 AUD


18 Month Payment Plan

$550 x 18 AUD

All pricing is inclusive of GST 10%


Option Two (Best Value)

12 Month Mastermind Experience + Private Mentoring with Jessica

Pay In Full

$16,500 AUD


12 Month Payment Plan

$1375 x 12


18 Month Payment Plan

$920 x 18


Includes 10 monthly private holistic healing or mentoring sessions with Jessica

All pricing is inclusive of GST 10%


How to apply:

If it’s a full-body YES, I invite you to apply for the Transcendence Mastermind.

The energy of this container is essential—aligned energy ensures the group’s success, which is why the mastermind is capped at 20 women. To ensure we’re the right fit, I’ll personally review each application.

If we're aligned, you'll receive an invitation to join this intimate, transformative space.

Ready to step into your next level?


Your Questions Answered